The mission of the Lanshan Group is to create the largest non-GMO soybean protein production plant in China in the next five years.
Founded in 1958, Shandong Gaotang Lanshan Group is a state-owned enterprise mainly devoted to wheat and soybean protein processing. The group is also engaged in livestock and poultry farming and meat and feed processing.
The annual production of 260,000 tonnes of soybeans corresponds to an output of 53,000 tonnes of soybean protein, 6,000 tonnes of oligosaccharides and 30,000 tonnes of dietary fibre.
“Group performance has doubled and profit has increased tenfold over the last three years” - enthuses the General Manager of the Group Xu Zhenguo. “Lanshan Group will in future work to grow its soybean processing with a view to expanding the industrial chain. With figures like these, the group should be the largest vegetable protein producer within three years”
The partnership formed in 2013 between Lanshan Group and Xinfa Group, with a total investment of RMB 5,000 million, gave rise to a project which the Pieralisi Group contributed to by supplying 40 Elephant SJ and JUMBO 4S decanters on nine production lines.
The mission of the Lanshan Group is to create the largest non-GMO soybean protein production plant in China in the next five years.
In order to guarantee a better support service to this special customer, Pieralisi set up a warehouse near the company, thereby managing to cover the entire Asia-Pacific area too.
The result was obtained thanks to the passion and commitment of everyone at Pieralisi; men and women with five different nationalities took part in the work team to lay the foundations for success.
“It was thanks to our perseverance, to the quality of our products and to our human capital that we were able to win this contract, which our competitors fiercely tried to snatch away from us up until the very last moment”, explained Eng. Gennaro Pieralisi.